23S rRNA

  • 网络23S核糖体核糖核酸
23S rRNA23S rRNA
  1. Mutagenesis analysis of 23S rRNA gene sequence in pathogenic bacteria


  2. Sequence analysis of 23S rRNA gene and its amplification in bacteria discriminative identification


  3. Estabilishment and Evaluation of Method to Detect Helicobacter Pylori 23S rRNA Mutation


  4. Objective To study the difference of bacteria 23S rRNA gene and provide a tool for bacteria discriminative identification .


  5. Methods A pair of primers from ITS 23S rRNA genome were designed and used to detect G.


  6. Analysis of 16S - 23S rRNA Space Region of Parasporal Crystal Forming Bacillus strain CTC


  7. Development of an Real-time Fluorescent Quantitation PCR Based on Enterococcus ' 23S rRNA Genus Specifical and Exploratory Development


  8. Objective : To examine the use of PCR utilizing 16S 23S rRNA gene spacer regions in the identification of bacteria .


  9. Amplified 23S rRNA Gene of 52 Strains of Leptospira and Detection of Leptospiral DNA in 55 Patients by PCR


  10. Screening of single nucleotide polymorphism of a 23S rRNA gene from Helicobacter pylori associated with clarithromycin resistance using oligonucleotide microarray


  11. Isolation and Identification of Mycoplasma Gallisepticum and Difference Analysis of Sequence of MG 16S / 23S rRNA Intergenic Spacer Region and TM-1 Gene


  12. The primer of mycoplasma at the 16S and 23S rRNA conservative area were selected . NESTED-PCR was adopted to detect the mycoplasma in cell culture .


  13. Objective To establish the specific 16S 23S rRNA gene spacer regions map of different bacteria by PCR , RFLP ( restriction fragment length polymorphism ), DNA clone and sequences analysis .


  14. Constitution of wheat leaf rRNA was very complicated , besides of 25S rRNA and 18S rRNA in cytoplasm , there exist large amounts of 23S rRNA , 16S rRNA and 9S rRNA of chloroplast .


  15. Collecting and comparing MP the 23S rRNA gene mutation and mutation does not occur groups MP of gender , age , clinical manifestations , complications of pneumonia , laboratory results , characteristics and treatment of chest x ray , and so on . Result : 1 .
